Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mid Week Announcements

Finally made it a day without rain!  We missed it so much that we decided to make our own water fun with balloons and a slip-n-slide!  Thanks to the leaders for implementing their idea, and a special thanks to the drum majors for putting in a ton of work to get all the balloons and the slip-n-slide ready.

1)  Please continue to get Marching Band fees in ASAP.  The staff needs to get paid!  Make checks payable to SGCHS.

2)  This Friday, a couple of parents are going to be grilling hamburgers at lunch for those who want them.  If a student wants a burger and a drink, they need to bring $2 tomorrow so that the parents can go get the items.  

3) Remember, Thursday is game night.  Students will have the option to stay from 4 to approximately 6 pm to play board games and such.  Bring your favorite card/board game.  Also, Friday is the Pool Party.  An information sheet was given out today about that.

Only 2 days left with nothing but sunshine on the horizon.  Keep up the good work and great attitudes that we have had all week!

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