Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Concert Festival Itinerary

Itinerary for Concert Festival

Friday, March 18, 2016

8:00 am                Report to the Band Room. Load your instruments on the Band Trailer as soon as you get here in the morning.  Small instruments will be taken on the bus with us.  Make sure you are dressed in Concert attire, AND have your music folder!  Concert attire consists of button up shirt, khakis, and dress shoes.  Ladies if you wear a dress, make sure that it is conservative dress, with no low-cut tops or short skirts.  NO TENNIS SHOES!

8:05 am                Depart SGCHS.

8:35 am                Arrive at Liberty HS.  Get your instruments off the trailer, put the cases back in the trailer.

8:45 am                Line up to go to the warm-up room.

8:50 am                Warm-up. Percussion, prepare to go to the stage first to set up when we get permission.

9:15 am                Move to stage.  Stay in your rows and move to the stage in an organized manner.

9:20 am                Perform for judges.  Gallant 7th first and then Jubiloso.  Parents are welcome to sit in the audience and watch.  There is no admission fee.

9:40 am                Move to Sight-reading room.

10:00 am              Load bus.  Go back in, use restroom, watch Union City’s Band.  Leave at 10:50.

11:00 am              Arrive at Sparky’s.  You will need to bring $7 for the buffet. 

12:00 noon          Depart Sparky’s.

12:30 pm              Arrive SGCHS, unload trailer.  Put all instruments in their proper place.  Go to Third Block.

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