Sunday, March 20, 2016

Announcements 3/20/16

1)  A great job by the Concert and Jazz Bands this past week!  Straight 1's at Concert Festival - awesome!  And the Jazz Band did a great job performing at the Miss Harmony pageant.  It's so fulfilling for a director to see band students performing in a "gig" type setting and being so professional the entire time.  It shows such promise for the future of musicians in the area!

2)  Jazz Band will meet Monday from 3:30 to 4:30 as we improve the songs for our concert in April.

3)  After School Rehearsal on Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:30 for students going on the Disney trip.  Be prepared to put on your uniform so that I know for certain that everyone is ready for the trip.

4)  I will be handing out the Disney T-shirts for those that have paid so far.  If you have not paid yet, get your $10 turned in ASAP.

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