Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Trinity Game Itinerary


Away Football Game vs. Trinity

Friday, September 13, 2013

Attire for this game is the Band Uniform with the Band T-shirt underneath and BLACK SOCKS.

4:45 pm – Report to Band Room. Put on your uniform pants. Make sure you have on your black socks and band shoes. You may fold the jacket and take the hat and jacket on the bus with you. Leave your garment bag on your seat in the Band Room. Make sure your instrument and music is loaded on the trailer/bus.

5:20 pm – Load up on to your assigned bus. Chaperones will call roll.

5:30 pm – Depart SGCHS.

6:00 pm – Arrive at Trinity Stadium. Chaperones and Percussion will get off the bus first. Get your instrument case, and line up. We will march in with cases and unpack when we get to the stands. You will be able to put your instrument in your case for safe keeping during the 3rd quarter.

7:00 pm - Game Begins. Cell phones are not allowed! You will get the 3rd quarter off. Be careful how you fold your uniform jacket! Remember during this time that you are still representing the band and the school. Remain professional.

9:45 pm - Approximate end of game. Line up and march back to buses. Put your instruments in a line so that they can be loaded easily by the loading crew.

10:15 pm - After all equipment is loaded and students are on their assigned bus, we will depart.

10:45 pm – Arrive at SGCHS. After all equipment is put up properly, you will be dismissed.

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