2) Report time for Friday's game will be 5:45. It is 8th grade night, so we will warm-up with the 8th grade band at 6:15.
3) The students who were in the RTI Chamber Ensemble class - we need to meet as often as we can during Intermission this week to prepare for Saturday.
4) On Saturday, report time for students and parents will be 11 am in the Cafeteria. I will go over some brief announcements and then send everyone to their jobs. We anticipate the first bands arriving at noon. We will clean everything up after the awards. I anticipate us being done around 10 pm.
5) On Saturday, please park at Mt. Zion Church. I need someone from the Cleaning/Maintenance team to provide transportation from Mt. Zion to SGC by way of 4-wheeler and trailer. Last year, we even had some hay on there to put a little fall fun in it!
6) Parents, the students will be thoroughly trained in their jobs during class this week. If you are unsure about parts of your job, they will be able to answer them for you. Also, keep in mind that I assign enough people per job that there will be opportunities for breaks or watching some bands that you want to watch. The most important thing is that everyone does their job to continue to make this event one of the most successful competitions in West Tennessee!
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