Sunday, April 6, 2014

Announcements 4/6/14

1.  Booster meeting this Tuesday at 6:30.  I will have the schedule for next fall, information about Band Camp payments, a parent information sheet, and will be revealing the field show for next year.  

2.  Start thinking about sending in pictures from this past year for the Band Banquet slide show.  Send them to Tyler Delaney at  He is also considering a separate slideshow for the Seniors that would include pictures from the last four years.  Send these under the message line "Senior slide show".  Please get these to him within the next couple of weeks.  We are setting a deadline of the end of April so that he has time to get them together before the Banquet.

3.  We will need some parents to help pick up the meat and prepare it for pickup this Saturday.  Please let me know if you can help.  We are getting it from Reggie's BBQ this year, so that means we don't have to stay all night.  But we do need extra hands to get it wrapped and ready for pick up.  Pick up for the BBQ sale is from noon - 2 pm on Saturday.

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