Sunday, January 13, 2019

Announcements 1/13/19

1)  Congratulations to all the students who auditioned for All West this weekend!  We had ten students that made the All West Honor Band and one student who made the All State Honor Band!  I am proud of all the students who put forth the effort and their own time to work up this challenging music.  You will be a better musician because of it and in turn we will be a better band!

2)  Jazz Band will meet this Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30.

3)  Leadership team - we will have a meet-and-greet rehearsal with the 8th grade band members in the High School Band room this Thursday from 7 - 8 pm.  Be ready to welcome our future members and answer any questions they may have about the band or about High School in general.

4)  Everyone including Guard:  We never got our pictures made for the yearbook last semester.  Please try to clear the early afternoon of Monday, January 28 right after school to take these pictures.  If you are in class now, we will do the individual pictures during class.  Then we will take the full band picture immediately after school and then let anyone else who wants individual or group pictures to stay and get those taken.  

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