Sunday, August 30, 2015

Announcements 8/30/15

1)  We will have prop work days on Monday and Tuesday this week at 6:30 at the Band Room.  Thanks to those who have come out and worked!  If you haven't been there yet, we welcome you to join us at any time.  We are trying to get it done in the next 4 work nights.

2)  Booster meeting Thursday at 6:30 in the Band Room.  We will be discussing the Hornet Invitational among other things.

3) Decision Time.  If you are planning on the Disney Trip, your first deposit is due by Sept. 14.  Checks need to be made out to Thomas Tours and sent straight to them.  This first deposit must be paid with your money, not fundraising money!  Later, if your fundraising money exceeds what you need, you will get that money back in cash.  More info and Thomas Tours contact information can be found in the Band Room.

4)  We will wear uniforms for the first time this Friday!  The rules for uniforms will be expanded on this week.  The bottom line will be that (1)we must all look the same (Uniform) and (2) we must take care of our uniforms.  Be prepared to follow the expectations of wearing the uniform, because there are very good reasons for everything that is asked.

5)  Home game vs. JCM this Friday.  Report time will be 6 pm in the Band Room.  Parents, I will need a few volunteers to help with minor adjustments to uniforms from 6 to 7.  Game time is at 7:30 pm.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Obion County Itinerary


Away Football Game vs. Obion County

Friday, August 28, 2015

5:00 pm – Report to Band Room.

5:25 pm – Load up on to your assigned bus.  Chaperones will call roll.

5:30 pm – Depart SGCHS.

6:30 pm – Arrive at Obion County’s Stadium.  Chaperones, leaders and Percussion will get off the bus first to unload the trailer and box truck.  Get your instrument case, and line up.  We will march in with cases and unpack when we get to the stands.  You will be able to put your instrument in your case for safe keeping during the 3rd quarter.

7:00 pm - Game Begins.  Pay attention to the game, cheer for the team, act in a professional manner.  Be ready to play pep songs at any time.  NO CELL PHONES!

9:45 pm - Approximate end of game.  Line up and march back to buses.  Take your instruments to the truck to be loaded and then load the buses.

10:30 pm - After all equipment is loaded and students are on their assigned bus, we will depart.

11:30 pm – Arrive at SGCHS.  After instruments are put up properly, you will be dismissed as a group. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Announcements 8/23/15

1)  Report time for Friday's Obion County away game will be 5 pm.  We will depart at 5:30.  A full itinerary will be available tomorrow.  Dress will be the same as the previous two performances.

2)  A reminder to get all sponsors for the trailer in ASAP. Sponsors for the Hornet Invitational still have a few weeks. The form was posted on the facebook page a couple of weeks ago, and is also available on the website

3)  We will be working on the props again Monday night starting at 6:30 pm.  Thanks to all of those who have come out so far to help out!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Announcements 8/16/15

1)  We will be working on the props again Monday night starting at 6:30.  It was great having a few extra parents there last week, and we would love to see a few more this week!

2)  Memorization Test for Movement 2 will be Wednesday.

3)  The T-shirts will be in this week before Friday.  Keep an eye on these announcements as I will let you know as soon as I get them.

4)  Our first Home game is this Friday.  The game starts at 7:30 pm (not 7:00!)  Report time will be 6:15.  Students will wear the same thing they did this past Friday night.  We will be done between 10 and 10:30.  Students will get 3rd quarter off to eat concessions.  If you want to bring money for that, feel free.

5)  Drumline tuneup day is this Saturday for the entire percussion section.  A full itinerary will be available in the next couple of days.  We will need a few parents to drive so that everyone gets up there (we are not taking a bus).

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Announcements 8/9/15

1) If any parents are free Monday night and want to help out, we will be working on the Rube Goldberg machine starting at 6:30 at the Band Room.

2)  Jamboree this Friday night.  We will be going to Peabody HS.  All Band students will ride the bus.  Report time to the school will be 5:00 pm, and we will depart at 5:30.  You will need to wear Band T-shirts, khaki bottoms, and tennis shoes.  No hats, please!  We will get back between 9 and 10.

3)  Keep remembering to bring a change of clothes every day if you need them during Band class.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Announcements 8/2/15

1)  Rehearsals start Tuesday, 3:30 to 5:30.  Bring a change of clothes that includes tennis shoes.  Make sure you have your coordinate cards also.

2)  We will be taking pictures after school on Thursday.  Wear your Band T-shirts and khaki pants/shorts.

3)  Booster meeting this Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Band Room.

4)  T-shirt orders will be due by the end of this week.

5)  Smart Cards and/or money will be due by the end of the week.  You will need to return any unsold Smart Cards.

6)  Our first performance will be Friday, August 14 at the Jamboree in Trenton.  We will be performing at approximately 7:45 pm.

7)  Percussion:  Add to your calendar - August 22 - UTM Drumline Tuneup Day.  We will report to the school at 11 am, and will arrive back around 7 pm.  Eat lunch beore you leave; we will eat supper in Martin.  A full schedule will be available shortly.