2) The Color Guard workshop is Monday through Thursday of this week with the auditions for the 2015 Fall Color Guard on Thursday. Please bring the $20 fee to pay for the instructor - Destiny. Be sure to invite anyone from 8th grade to 11th grade that is interested in trying out for the Guard!
3) Remember that Drumline workshop and auditions have been pushed to March 23-26.
4) Jazz Band rehearsal Tuesday. Remember that we are performing at the Miss Harmony pageant on Thursday. Report time will be 9:30 am and dismissal time will be 3:30 pm. You will be fed lunch at the school. All Black attire.
5) Miss Harmony pageant this Saturday in the Cafeteria from 10 am to 4:30 pm. I will have sign-ups on Monday for student volunteers. We mainly need female volunteers to work the logistics backstage getting the contestants to the right place and so forth. We could use a few male volunteers in the front to take care of the judges, doing concessions, and other jobs in the Cafeteria. Jazz Band members cannot volunteer since they are performing.
For those who are not in Jazz Band and not volunteering, I need you to bring a 12-pack of 12-oz cans as follows:
Percussion, Alto and Tenor Sax - Pepsi
Trumpet, French Horns - Diet Pepsi
Trombone, Tuba, Baritone - Sierra Mist
Flute, Clarinet - Mountain Dew
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