Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Concert Festival Itinerary

Itinerary for Concert Festival

Friday, March 21, 2014

1:30 pm As you come into 4th block Band Class, load your instruments on the Band Trailer. Then get on the bus. This will be a tight squeeze – most will be 3 to a seat. Make sure you are dressed in Concert attire, AND have your music folder! Concert attire consists of button up shirt, khakis, and dress shoes. Ladies if you wear a dress, make sure that it is conservative dress, with no low-cut tops or short skirts. NO TENNIS SHOES!

1:45 pm Depart SGCHS.

2:15 pm Arrive at Liberty HS. Get everything off the bus, we will be taking a different bus home. Get your instruments off the trailer, put the cases back in the trailer. Stretch and do some breathing exercises while we wait to go into the warm-up room.

2:50 pm Line up to go to the warm-up room.

3:00 pm Warm-up. Tipps, Songs, Final Breathing exercises. Percussion, be ready to go onto the stage first to start setting up when we get permission.

3:20 pm Move to stage. Stay in your rows and move to the stage in an organized manner.

3:25 pm Perform for judges. American’s We first and then Pageant . Parents are welcome to sit in the audience and watch.

3:45 pm Move to Sight-reading room.

4:15 pm Load all instruments on trailer and head to Sparky’s. You will need to bring $7 for the buffet.

5:45 pm Load bus and depart for home.

6:15 pm Arrive SGCHS, unload trailer. Put all instruments in their proper place.

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