Sunday, May 14, 2023

 1)  The Band will be performing at the Christian Care Center Nursing Home on Monday to help kick off National Nursing Home Week.  Students who are in good academic and disciplinary standing will be called out of class at about 8:30 am to load up.  We will perform at 9:30 and then go back to school.  Seniors are invited to join us there at the location by Sonic.   I am asking that everyone wear either your Marked field show shirt or a black shirt to perform in.  No specific shorts or pants, and wear comfortable shoes.   Anyone who wants to come out and watch are more than welcome!  

2)  For students who volunteered to perform at the Baccalaureate service - please meet at Chapel Hill Church at 6:30 pm in Concert Attire.  Bring your instrument with you, and we will have the music stands there.  It starts at 7 pm and will probably end at around 8 pm.

3)  Graduation is Thursday night at 7 pm on the football field.  Please report to the Band Room by 6 pm so we can have everything ready on the field.  Concert attire. Bring water to have by you to drink since it will most likely be warm that evening.

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