Sunday, February 5, 2023

Announcements 2/5/23

1)  Booster meeting this Tuesday at 6:30 pm.  This is the one that was rescheduled from last Thursday when we were out of school.

2)  Butter Braid sales will end this Wednesday.  It has been going great so far, so let's push to the end .  Remember - the less Butter Braids you sell, the more "Butter" puns Mr. Johnson will use!  So sell, sell, sell!!!

3)  Jazz Band will meet Monday from 3:30 to 4:30.

4)  Color Guard fundamentals start Monday from 3:30 to 5:30 and will continue every Monday through the month.  Fundamentals clinic is open to all current 7th and 8th graders and any high schooler wanting to audition for guard.  Invite your friends!  There is no fee for these days, so if your friends wants to learn or just see if they can do it, tell them to come on!  (Current Winter Guard members will continue their weekly rehearsal schedule.  They are not required to be at these clinics, but are more than welcome join the fun!)

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