Sunday, March 13, 2022

Announcements 3/20/22

1)  Once again, the band should be proud of what they accomplished on Friday - all Superior Ratings in Grade 5 level music!  Don't ever take that for granted, that was not easy to do.  Your hard work along with your patience with putting up with your directors' high blood pressure is very appreciated!  Now we take aim at the Spring Concert and the upcoming parades.

2)  Jazz Band will rehearse on Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30.

3)  Color Guard Flag and Rifle clinic and auditions will happen on Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30.  

4)  The Laundry Detergent fundraiser forms and money are due this Wednesday.  Delivery will happen the week after Spring Break.

5)  A bonus congratulations to the band members who pulled double duty this weekend with Concert Festival AND the musical, Into the Woods!  You guys excelled at both, and the show was such a joy to watch!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Announcements 3/6/22

1)  Jazz Band will rehearse Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30.  

2)  The date is set for the Band Banquet - Saturday, May 7 at 6 pm.  More details to come this week.  

3)  We have 8 more rehearsal days until Concert Festival.  Since we are the only band in Martin attempting a Grade 5, we really want to play these songs well.  Come to class ready every day, engaged in rehearsal to improve on every rep.  This band has the skill to be the best sounding band at Concert Festival, but we have to do it, not just expect to do it.  Don't be spoiled by the success of our past, you still have to work hard to remain the best!