Monday, August 7, 2017

Jamboree Itinerary

Jamboree vs. Peabody
Friday, August 11, 2017 @ Peabody HS

5:30 pm – Report to Band Room.  Make sure you have your flip folders and lyres.  You will be wearing your Band T-shirts, khaki bottoms, and tennis shoes.
5:50 pm – Load buses.
6:00 pm – Depart SGCHS
6:30 pm – Arrive at Peabody High School.  Chaperones will depart the bus first.  Percussion and Leadership Team will depart second and begin unloading the trailers.  The rest of the Band and Guard will then depart when told by the director.  Find your case and line up in two lines to enter the field.  We will take the instruments out of the case once we get inside.
7:00 pm – Varsity Game Begins.  Be ready to play pep music.  Remember during this time that you are still representing the band and the school.  Remain professional.  NO CELL PHONES!
7:45 pm - Approximate halftime.  We will perform first.  Peabody will perform second.  After we perform, we will watch the rest of the Jamboree.  Front Ensemble will load pit trailers and instruments on the percussion trailer.
9:00 pm – Approximate end of Jamboree.  Put your instruments in your cases and get in the two lines to exit the field. Put your cases by the trailer to be loaded by the leadership team and then load the bus.
10:00 pm – Arrive at SGCHS
Approx. 10:15 pm – We will dismiss as a group when everything is put up. 

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